Avery went to the doctor on Monday for her 4 month check up. The dr. said she is doing great! She weighs 16 lbs. 10 oz. & is 26 1/2 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile for both. BIG GIRL! We started her on rice cereal Monday night. She did great with the spoon & was trying to feed herself. More of the cereal got on her onesie than in her mouth but she did super for the first time! She was sitting in her Bumbo...loves it! We ordered her high chair today. :)
Wow, I can't believe she is already 4 months old, time is flying by!! I love the rice cereal all over her mouth..so precious!!! I am so sad I missed yall in Houston and couldnt come and so sad that I wont get to see yall this weekend!! =(
I miss the bumbo days! Can't believe she is 4 mos already! What a sweetie!!!
Wow, I can't believe she is already 4 months old, time is flying by!! I love the rice cereal all over her mouth..so precious!!! I am so sad I missed yall in Houston and couldnt come and so sad that I wont get to see yall this weekend!! =(
She is so adorable Marla! What a Blessing.
I love her look in the third pic! It made me laugh so hard! She is so beautiful!!! Rice cereal is just the beginning! The fun is just starting!!!
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