Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Boy

We have been blessed once again with a happy baby!

How many chins can you count?

Model pose

Aggie Night at the Hooks Game

Gig 'em!

So excited!

Avery LOVES "beessball"!

Wyatt slept through the game with tickets in hand!

Happy 29th Birthday, Sister!

To celebrate Misty's 29th birthday, we spent the day in Fredericksburg with great friends & wine! It was nice for Jake & I to get away but we definitely missed our little monkeys!

Cheers, Misty!

LOVE this one!

Wyatt is 2 Months Old Today! (August 19, 2010)

Late again...

At W's 2 month appointment, the first thing the doc said when we walked in was "he hasn't missed a meal, has he?!" He definitely hasn't! He was 24 inches which is in the 95th percentile & 12 lbs. 8 oz. which is in the 90th percentile. Big boy! He's a healthy & happy baby just like his sis!