Last Saturday, I had the chance to taxi around in the T-34 plane that Jake flies when training his students & be a VT-28 "Ranger" for a day. WOW...I thought I appreciated what he did before but after that day, my appreciation went way up for all of the instructors!! The plane looks small from the outside but it's even smaller once you get in. If you are claustrophobic, don't even think about getting inside! They are equipped with air conditioning but it's definitely not like the air in your car. The flight suit was comfortable but HOT & we aren't even in the heat of South Texas summer yet! So, hats off to all of the instructors & their students! Anyway, it was a fun ride...I got to "drive" the plane & also communicate with the tower.
Our little pilot...just like her Daddy!

Avery hung out with Dad...

Christy & Luke

Listening to the safety brief

VT-28 Wives