Aunt Misty, Aunt Alissa, & Aunt Sara came to visit & babysit baby Avery a couple of weekends ago while Jake & I worked at a Junior League event. She was definitely spoiled after that weekend!
Avery went to the doctor for her 2 month check up & he said she is doing great! She weighs 13 lbs. 4 oz. & is 23 1/2 inches long. Check out our big girl!
Ace turned 1 on December 31st! I was hoping that by this age he wouldn't continue to destroy things, but that hasn't happened! People keep telling me that labs will chew everything in sight until they are at least 2 years old. Wonderful news! In his defense, he has been a little neglected since Avery arrived. But, he has been getting out a little more lately. He loves to fetch the ball, slide, & play with his cousin Tank. Here are some recent pictures of him & some of the things that he has destroyed. :)
Wow! I feel like the time has flown by since Avery was born! My intentions were to update the blog at least twice a week after she was born. Ha! I really admire all my blogging buddies that are able to find the time to update theirs so often. :) Besides taking care of Avery (& loving every minute of it!), Junior League has been consuming lots of my time also. But, I am almost through my Provisional year! What a great experience it has been...I have met some amazing women & made some wonderful friends. So, I am now vowing to update the blog at least once a week. Check back later on today or tomorrow for some new pictures and an update on our sweet baby girl. We are so blessed!
I am a little late with this post but here is Avery with Santa. Of course, she was sleeping & had no idea what was going on. He was a great Santa...hope we get to see him again next year.