Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa Visits Early!

Since we traveled home for Christmas, Santa delivered Avery's gifts a few days early. Here she is enjoying some of them.

My first ride


Reading to baby

Hugs for baby

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baby Jesus

I just love these pictures of Avery "building" her manger scene. She points to baby Jesus & says "baby." So sweet!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Big Sister!

Avery is happy to announce that she will be a BIG sister! Baby Sonsel is set to arrive June 26, 2010. We have had one sonogram & have heard the heartbeat-everything is great! Check back often for more updates!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Scary Santa

Avery visited Santa at La Cantera Mall in San Antonio. She was okay until she looked at his face. So, this is the reason why we don't have a picture of her looking at the camera. I just couldn't get a picture of her bawling. :( Poor baby-he didn't say one word to her. Maybe we will try the Santa here-Avery saw him in plain clothes in Target & smiled. We will see how she does!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Glamour Girl

This post is out of order, but I HAD to share! While waiting for the doctor, Avery was getting a little antsy, so I was trying to come up with ways to entertain her in this tiny room. As usual, the sunglasses were a hit. Check her out!

Report from the doctor: Avery weighs 22 lbs. 6 oz. She is 30 1/2 inches tall. This puts her in the 80th percentile for weigh & the 95th percentile for height. She's tall & thinning out. Overall, she received a great report from the doctor.

Thanksgiving 2009

Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and reverent lifting of the heart to God in honor and praise for His goodness. ~Robert Casper Lintner

We spent Thanksgiving with lots of family this year. Avery enjoyed the day & was a happy girl even though she missed both of her naps. I can't even begin to list all of the things I am thankful for but here are a few at the top of my baby girl who brings an immense amount of joy to my life each & every day, my amazing husband, & wonderful family & friends. Praise God for all the blessings in our lives!

More birthday gifts for Avery! She loves her she can fly just like Daddy!

Her twin cousins, Brody & Hadley, were trying to get her to wear the hat. They are so sweet to her!


The Great-Grandkids...Brody, Avery & Hadley

Friday, December 4, 2009

Birthday...Take 2

The night of Avery's birthday, we went to Kiko's (our favorite Mexican food restaurant) for dinner & they sang to her. She wasn't too sure about what they were doing!

Notice the queso on her mouth...thanks to NaNa!

Feliz Cumpleanos, Avery!

Our Little Lady is 1!!!

And, what a party it was! Avery is truly blessed with so much family & so many friends that love her. THANK YOU all for making her 1st birthday so wonderful! Here are some, well lots! of pictures...I couldn't just pick a few.

The food table


Yummy strawberry cake

Avery's cake


More cookies



I know this thing goes on my head!

Music box from Daddy

Hmmm...what is this?

2nd birthday outfit

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Our Happy Avery

Happy 234th Birthday, Marines!

My parents were able to join us this year for the Birthday Ball at the Omni. As always, it was a memorable event-God bless the USMC!

Aunt Misty & Nana Visit

Aunt Misty was here a couple of weeks ago for work. We were excited that she extended her stay through the weekend & Nana flew in Friday since Paw Paw was hunting. Avery thinks Nana is hilarious-she laughs at her nonstop!