My friend in San Diego, Melissa, tagged here it is! For the 5 people that I am tagging, I look forward to reading your answers!
Rules: Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people & posts their names, then goes to their blog & leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged & asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've answered the questions on your blog.
10 YEARS AGO I...1. Was attending Texas A&M University
2. Was anxious to finish my classes so I could start student teaching
3. Was working part time at the Children's Center on campus
4. Was wondering when I would get married & have children...but NOT AT ALL rushing it...just curious!
5. Was lovin' college life!
5 THINGS ON TODAY'S TO DO LIST...1. Catch up on emails
2. Write some thank you cards
3. Return some phone calls
4. Watch "Blades of Glory" when my hubby gets home
5. Order some things off of our baby registry
5 THINGS I WOULD DO IF I WERE A MILLIONAIRE...1. Donate to a few charities
2. Share with family
3. Travel the world with my family
4. Hire a housekeeper
5. Invest so my children have a secure future
5 PLACES I HAVE LIVED...1. Cypress, TX
2. College Station, TX
3. Houston, TX
4. San Diego, CA
5. Corpus Christi, TX
5 JOBS I HAVE HAD...1. Babysitter
2. Checker/office worker/pharmacy tech at Klein's Supermarket
3. Preschool teacher
4. Waitress
5. 2nd grade teacher
People I am tagging...Sandy, Shana, Alicia, Melissa C., Rhea Dawn